
History Of Olive Wood

The olive tree has been cultivated in the holy land since ancient times. Historians and archaeologists believe the first olive groves were planted around 4000 B.C.E. The olive tree plays a significant role in the day-to-day lives of the people in the holy land. From the tree they get their lives, from the olives they get their olive oil, and from the leftover pulp, they get their soap. From the wood of the tree artists get their work, farmers get shavings to keep their managers clean and everyone else gets wood to burn on cold desert nights. The olive tree has both a religious and sentimental significance to all nations and all religions, most notably Judaism and Christianity. In the Old Testament, religious leaders and prophets and anointed with olive oil. It also was used to light the lamps in the temple of Jerusalem. In the New Testament, Jesus was called the anointed one (messiah). Early Christians were called Nozreem or Masseheen, which in Aramaic and Arabic means “anointed with olive oil”. Jesus was arrested on the Mount of Olives and ascended into Heaven from there after his resurrection. Since the days of Noah, the olive branch has been a symbol of peace. As years of war rage on in the Holy Land, farmers continue to plant olive trees as a way of staying connected to the land despite the struggle. For the rest of us, the olive tree is a symbol of peace, beauty, longevity, and healing. Artists in Bethlehem and Jerusalem are very aware of the significance of olive wood and take great care in crafting the finest works from these sacred trees. We are proud to offer some of the finest examples of olive wood artistry direct from Jerusalem and Bethlehem.

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